How to have the BEST yard sale! (and keep your home looking its best in Arlington WA)
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Living in Washington, we are among the top 10 states in the U.S.A. who hold the most yard sales. That being said, you could have a chance to make some easy cash AND clean up your home all in one go. most yard sales graphic showing Washington as one of the top 10 states to hold yard sales in the United States

A home with too much clutter can feel overwhelming. Keeping your home open keeps your mind open. A clean home can reduce stress. After you have your successful yard sale, give us a call to clean your carpet and upholstery. That will add the finishing touch to your home so you can enjoy it even more! Clutter free=Stress free!

Think ahead.

Decide beforehand the lowest you will sell items for. Thinking ahead saves you the stress of selling something for lower than you wanted right at the beginning of the yard sale in a moment of panic. 

Hang up clothes.

Items that are on the floor are unlikely to sell. Clothes already have a lower chance of selling, though baby clothes can be a hot ticket item! 

Organize the night before.

Make your yard sale go smoothly by preparing items the night before. Organize items in boxes and store the boxes in your garage the night before. Put items together that are the same (shoes, movies, kitchenware). 

Get many tables. 

Items that are up high and easy to see. Things on the floor are unlikely to sell.

Start early in the morning. 

Especially during the summer and warm months. Avid seekers will be out early.

Mark your prices.

Some buyers feel uncomfortable asking for prices. Save them the discomfort and label your items with inexpensive sticker tags.

Check the permits in the area.

It’s unlikely that there would be an issue, but it would be terrible to get shut down! Better safe than sorry.

Offer bundles.

Bundle items that go together (a set of tank tops, several sand toys, a few pieces of holiday decor). People are more likely to buy an item if there is more to gain from it.

Advertise.summer yard sale poster example for Chem-Dry Select of Arlington Washington yard sale tips

Put up a post on your Facebook page or Facebook Marketplace- or any of your other social media platforms. Consider putting eye catching simple posters in your local library or grocery store. Include a tear off with the date and address included. If you feel uncomfortable putting your address out in the open, you could write the crossroads of two streets on the paper and put posters at that location with arrows pointing to your actual yard. Start advertising about two weeks in advance to get the word out.

Be prepared to make that money!

If you are accepting cash, you will need to have smaller bills and coins ready so you can give change. If you are accepting cards, you will need a system to do so. Consider making a large poster to put under your porch that tells the type of payment you will be accepting (cash, card, your venmo handle).

Set out complimentary water.

A few dollars spent on water cups for passer byers can go a long way. It sets a good tone for your sale and invites reciprocity. It will also keep customers satisfied which may encourage them to peruse longer.

Edit prices.

On day two, you just want to sell as much as you can. Lower price items and let things go for cheaper because something is better than nothing. Consider setting up a table with a sign saying “all items a dollar or under!” and put items that you think are unlikely to sell after Day 1 on that table.

Bonus tips.

Have a few grocery bags available in case someone needs one to carry out items or wrap up breakable items.

Make sure you have a shady place to sit while you wait for customers. A porch is perfect, but a large umbrella, camp chair, and table work well too!

Make a checklist, in fact you have one right here to use!

how to have a great yard sale in Arlington Washington checklist by chem-dry select of Arlington Wa

(States graphic from: